Monday, December 27, 2010

Giveaway dari Baca Buku Fanda dan Book Challenge

Hi All Assalamualaikum..
Semalam iseng BW ke blognya missbibliophile. Trus ada postingan baru tentang Book Challenge. He??? apaan tu. Ternyata itu tugas yang diberikan buat para pesertanya untuk membaca buku sesuai dengan syarat dan ketentuan yang ditetapkan tanpa mempedulikan batas waktunya. Naaahhh mbak Fanda, seorang book blogger. ikutan book challene ini, trus beliau ngadain giveaway berupa saran buku apa yg sebaiknya dia baca untuk mengikuti book challenge ini. . Kalo kalian penasaran and pengen ikutan book challenge nya atau giveawaynya, baca disini aja ya....
Frankly.. aku gak terlalu banyak baca buku (makanya rada-rada oon hahaha). bukan gak suka sih. tapi kadang waktunya yang gak sempet. Kebanyakan sih yang aku baca hand out kuliah or jurnal evidence based huhuhu. Jadi gak pede ah ngikutin book challenge, mending ikutan giveawaynya mbak Fanda, hehehehe .Nah tantangannya mbak Fanda nih buku apa yang kira-kira cocok buat tema :
  • jewelry or a gem, dan
  • travel or movement.
oke ini nih buku yang aku saranin ke mbak Fanda
buat tema yang pertama, jewelry or a gem
Girl With Pearl Earing 
Deya udah pernah nonton filmnya, Film klasik era zaman Baroq, yang main si cantik Scarlet Johansson. setelah nonton filmnya baru tau kalo di adopt dari buku. hahahaha. Since that udah peengeen banget ni baca bukunya. Secara Deya lebih-suka-baca-bukunya-dulu-baru-nonton-filmnya kind of person. Kalo buku kan lebih detil tuh soalnya, trus nonton filmnya kita dapet visualnya deh huhuyyy *aha lebay deh.

buat tema kedua Travel or Movement bukunya 
Ways To Live Forever

Untuk yang ini udah baca, eeerrr punya malah hahahaha. Dan kebalikan dari buku diatas, yang ini baru tau kalo ada filmnya pas browsing tadiiiii hahaha dudulll.... oke ntar harus nonton filmnya ;p . Btw mbak Sally nih ternyata ada buku baru, Season of Secret, jadilah ini WishList bacaan populer 2011-ku yang pertama.
Ehmm.. sebenernya Deya agak ragu nih untukbuku kedua sebenarnya masuk gak ya ke tema yang di ajuin mbak Fanda. tapi yauda deh. It's a good book anyway. gak ada salahnya kan anggap aja saran bacaan yg laen karena bukunya juga bagus, rite? jadi... on my opinion, She should read it. You should read it. Teeheee.

Oke guys... thanks for reading my entry. walaupun entah apa-apa juga isinya hahaha.semoga bermanfaat yah. Happy Blasty new year all...


Saturday, December 25, 2010


Deya suka blogwalking. tapi jarang tinggalin jejak.. makanya jarang orang berkunjung ke Blog Deya. hahahaha, silly or what?. Sore ini iseng-iseng mampir ke blog It's Time To Read. baru pertama ini singgah. And i found it interesting. trus lagi ada event bagi buku gratis [buat yg dapet hehehe], yauda karena cuma isi formulir doang, ikutaaannn aja deehhh... hahahaha mana tau rejeki.
mampir deh ke blog Ini ^_^

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I Love Monday with something sweet

last monday as i've told u guys on the last post was so much fun. I went to food Exhibition at JEC (jogjaexpo centre). and there were fun-spontaneous-cake-decorating-contest. i intended to join, but i miss the table (they only serve 5 table for 10 contestants, each table will contains 1 cake, 2 contestants as a grup, and icing and garnish bla-bla-bla for decorate). so there i am, sneaking peeking amongs contestants and onlooker try to snap some pics (shabby pictures i must say.. i took it through my 2mp handphone camera). here they are....

They all look serious didnt they?

and the winner goes to.... eng ing eng..
before that take a closer look to their artwork on the cake =)

and the winner goes to 3rd contestant 

but i prefer 2nd contestant color combo hehehe

and what i wore that day...
Yeesss.. Jersey always comfort for me
Bag_ a gift from my friend from Bali
Unbranded jersey harem pants
Details batwings top
unbranded veil
off to go.. hehehe

Ready to went home with him.. thanks for fun monday
Thanks for reading... ^_^ have a nice day

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I Love Monday

senin kemarin pergi ke pameran komputer and makanan di JEC. Had a great time with him. Ada perlombaan menghias tart yang seru hahaha. Nanti deh aku kasih full photos reportnya yah, foto2nya belum ditransfer.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Felt/Flanel Frenzy Part deux

Didn't i told i'm gonna post the picts? teehee. but sorry for the very low pict quality. i use my 2MP phone cell camera :(. Well hope u'll like it. i'm not a pro anyway.. It's my first time playing with flanel. okey then picts will tell u more. 

always drolling for starwberry

Blueberry Cheesecake and Cherry Cupcakes ^_^

Freshy fruity.. Yaaiiyy Hahaha.     

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Felt Frenzy

Been Crazy about flanel in these couple days. I've made some cute cakes and freshy (chopped) fruit. i'll post the picts on my next entry :). Trying to pimp my tissue holder too. I'll show it later. Thanks for reading ^_^. Have a great blessed day y'all.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


desperately need a ticket to watch Harry Potter part I Deathly Hallows
Tapi kehabisaaannnn

okelah ini memang postingan gak mutu.. hahahahaha.. tapi seriously, i need the ticket please....

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New Template Yippiiieee

i change my blog template today.... and i put some extra words to describe ebout my blog. I like the blog template from the first place. don't you? teehee, anyway i took it from Giselle Jaquenod & Birdies blog. Do a peep to her place if like my template. U'll find another gorgeous template there. Bunch of thanks Gisellleee.... :).
O yeah. i also try to put a translator widget today. Is it to much for a newbie like me wish that many bloggers from other countries will drop by to my Shabby blog? will i'm optimistics kind of person teehee. i don't hope to much that i'll rank up the visitors counters, but i reaalllyy hope (frankly) that u'll like my blog once u visit it. Teehee.
well that's all for today. have a fabulous day Peeps.. ^_^.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

New Blog ... Newbie

i'll start this blog with Basmallah. Hope it won't being hacked again. Hope i wont abandon my blog. Hope u all who read My blog will enjoy it. Thank you so much readers. ^_* .